Duvernoia adhatodoides

Duvernoia adhatodoides

Common Names

Pistolbush (english)Pistoolbos (afrikaans)uhlwalana (zulu)


Genus Duvernoia
Species adhatodoides
SA Plant Number 681
Basionym Duvernoia adhatodoides


Duvernoia adhatodoides is a hardy, large, evergreen shrub or small tree with big, glossy, dark green leaves.

It bears masses of showy spikes of white to mauve flowers that have beautiful purple markings to guide insects.

From February to August this plant is in full bloom.

The fruit splits with an explosive crack, hence the name pistol bush.

Grows well in the shade. Sensitive to extreme cold when young.

Size 3 to 10m


Plants for Pollinators: The flowers of Duvernoia species are pollinated by carpenter bees.


Landscaping: Beautiful winter-flowering tall screen plant for shaded and semi-shade / dappled shade areas.Handsome large container plant for shady patios.


Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape

Natural Habitat Along evergreen forest edges, in ravines and along stream banks.


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